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Save GIF

Crop GIF

Upload and crop your animated GIFs with this online GIF cropping tool. Crop your GIFs to trim unwanted areas from the original image, reduce file size and focus on the content you want to show.

How To Crop GIF Online

No need to download and install software. Use the simple online form to crop your animated GIFs with these simple steps:

1. Upload your GIF file

Click the 'Choose File' button to upload a .gif file from your computer.

2. Set the crop rectangle

The GIF file is loaded with a default crop rectangle which is bounded by a marching ants dashed border. The darker areas outside the rectangle will be trimmed when the 'Crop GIF' button is clicked.

To resize the GIF crop area drag the edges or corner or enter the dimensions in the width and height input fields for fine tune control.

Position the GIF crop rectangle by pressing and dragging in it when the move cursor is displayed or by entering values in the top and left input fields. You can also move it incrementally by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

3. Crop GIF image

When you have positioned and sized the crop rectangle to your desired dimensions and location hit the 'Crop GIF' button to generate the cropped GIF image. The cropped GIF will be loaded in the panel below.

4. Download the file

Click the 'Download' button to save the gif file to your computer. The file should be located in default download folder.

*Nb. You can also press the keyboard arrow keys to move the crop rectangle incrementally. Holding down any arrow key will move the crop box in the direction of the key as long as it's pressed.

move gif crop cursor Moves or positions the crop rectangle within the GIF.
ns gif crop resize cursur Changes height of the GIF crop rectangle when the bottom or top edge is pressed and dragged.
ew gif crop resize cursur Changes width of the GIF crop rectangle when the left or right edge is pressed and dragged.
ns gif crop resize cursur Changes width and height of the GIF crop rectangle when the bottom-left or top-right corner is pressed and dragged.
ns gif crop resize cursur Changes width and height of the GIF crop rectangle when the top-left or bottom-right corner is pressed and dragged.

Crop Settings

Input fields to set the dimensions and location of the crop rectangle are loaded below the uploaded GIF. The crop rectangle uses the top-left coordinate system where the origin (0, 0) is at the top-left edge of the uploaded GIF. Positive Y goes in the downwards direction of your screen so the higher the value entered in the top input field the farther from the top of the GIF the crop rectangle will be.

left - the distance of the left edge of crop rectangle from the left edge of the uploaded GIF.
top - the distance of the top edge of crop rectangle from the top edge of the uploaded GIF.
width - distance between left and right edges of the crop bounding rectangle.
height - distance between top and bottom edges of the crop bounding rectangle.

project name:
gallery ID:
project ID:
project file:
Some text some message..